Reporting ethics violations

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  • Reporting ethics violations

Reporting Process

If you are an employee of Hansol, a partner company, a purchaser, a customer, a shareholder, or any other stakeholder of Hansol Group companies, you can report any fraudulent or irregular behavior of Hansol employees.

If you are an employee of Hansol, a partner company, a purchaser, a customer, a shareholder, or any other stakeholder of Hansol Group companies, you can report any fraudulent or irregular behavior of Hansol employees.

  • 01

    Reports can be made real or anonymously, but we recommend real names whenever possible to ensure accurate fact-finding.

  • 02

    If it is difficult to verify the facts, or if it is a false report, unfounded slander, or libelous report, it will not be processed.

  • 03

    We will notify you of the progress and outcome of your submission via the Red Whistle Helpline. Please use the inquiry board if you have any other questions regarding the reporting and handling process.

Report to

You can report employees for the following behaviors.

  • 01

    Accepting gifts or entertainment above normal levels from internal or external stakeholders in connection with your job duties.

  • 02

    appropriating company assets.

  • 03

    Leaking the company's non-public information, intangible assets or information such as industrial property rights.

  • 04

    Use your position to gain an unfair advantage from a stakeholder or cause unfair harm to a stakeholder.

  • 05

    Interfering with the fair performance of internal or external stakeholders for the benefit of oneself or others. (solicitation, arrangement, etc.)

  • 06

    Intentionally or grossly negligently causes business disruptions or disputes or causes significant losses to the Company.

Whistleblower protection

We guarantee complete confidentiality so that you will not be penalized in any way for making a report.

  • Confidentiality
    • 01 The reporter's identity and the report's contents are strictly confidential.
    • 02 Ensure the reporter's confidentiality and the report's contents when verifying the report's facts and punishing the violator.
    • 03 any action that enables the disclosure of the reporter's identity and the report's content is subject to penalties.
  • Identity assurance
    • 01The employee shall not subject the reporter to any personnel or other disadvantages concerning the reporting act.
    • 02The reporting person may notify the Audit Department and the Ethics Office and request protection of their identity if they believe it is necessary due to the exposure of their identity.
    • 03If the Audit and Ethics Department requests identity protection and determines that the reporter may be subject to personnel or other disadvantages, it will respect the reporter's wishes and take all possible protective measures.(such as a change in position)
  • Voluntary disclosure relief
    • 01A person who voluntarily reports fraudulent or irregular behavior related to the employee himself/herself shall be relieved of responsibility through sufficient extenuating circumstances.