Employee Code of Conduct

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  • Business Ethics
  • Employee Code of Conduct
Applies to
All Hansol employees, regardless of their position, are required to comply with these guidelines. The ethical management department shall provide training, supervision, and follow-up to ensure employees comply with these guidelines.
Violating these guidelines may result in strict disciplinary action by the Company's Personnel Regulations and Company Rules.
Duty to Report and
If employees become aware of violating this Code of Conduct or Company rules, they should report it to the Ethics Office as expeditiously and conveniently as possible. In principle, the reporter shall report the personal information of the reporter and the respondent, the details of the unethical behavior, and attach relevant evidence by 5W1H. However, in cases of urgency, such as unethical behavior that is in progress at the time of the report, you can report only the facts without evidence. Employees are required to maintain the confidentiality of reports, even if they become aware of them during their employment or by accident, and may be subject to disciplinary action for disclosure. Employees should not penalize reporters and whistleblowers.
  • 01 Respect and fair treatment

    • Hansol pursues humanistic management, which emphasizes people as the highest value. We strive to improve the quality of life by enabling all employees to achieve self-growth and self-realization based on mutual trust and cooperation. Hansol provides employees with fair opportunities based on their abilities and qualities, and strives for fair evaluation and compensation based on their performance. Therefore, there can be no discrimination and disadvantage based on factors such as religion, gender, physical disability, region and education.

    02 Distinct strictly between public and private

    • Employees must give priority to the company's legitimate interests in cases where there is a conflict between the Company's and personal interests. Employees should avoid private gatherings that the company does not officially authorize and should not use any words or actions that may harm healthy co-worker relationships.

    03 Safety and disaster prevention

    • Employees should make great efforts to create a comfortable, safe, and productive work environment, take responsibility and obligation for preventing safety accidents, and seek the best way to recover from fires and other emergencies. Employees must comply with laws and regulations regarding safety and health, and strive to prevent accidents and minimize damage by conducting regular training and inspections.

    04 Honesty and integrity

    • Employees shall perform their duties reasonably and to the best of their ability, including compliance with laws and regulations and company regulations. Employees must observe basic courtesy with each other, clearly recognize the authority and responsibilities given to them, and do their best to fulfill their duties.
      • No personal behavior during work hours
      • Prohibited from engaging in any other work or for-profit business outside the Company's.
      • Accurate and honest records and reporting

    05 Prohibit personal use of company property

    • Using company expenses or property for personal use constitutes business embezzlement. It must be used only for business purposes. You must follow established procedures if you transfer or lend company property to an outside party. Billing the company for expenses that were not actually incurred or were used for personal purposes is an act of private use of company property.
      • Prohibited behavior
      • Spending money other than for the purpose it was appropriated without following due process.

        Personal use or unauthorized removal of Company goods, fixed assets, vehicles, fixtures, supplies, etc.

        Willful destruction of company property.

    06 Sexual harassment prevention

    • Employees should recognize that sexual harassment is an unlawful act that causes the victim to lose motivation to work and decrease productivity and should not engage in conduct that makes the other person feel sexually humiliated, disgusted, or intimidated.
      • Refrain from using foul language; do not force people to drink at company events.
      • Do not access pornographic sites on the Internet, and do not send or receive pornographic material via e-mail.
      • Prohibit making sexualized comments or comparisons about a coworker's body.
      • Prohibit unnecessary physical contact.

    07 Workplace harassment prevention

    • Employees shall not use their advantage, such as position or relationship in the workplace, to cause physical or mental suffering to other employees or deteriorate the working environment beyond the reasonable scope of their duties.
      • Prohibited behavior
      • An act of forcing unfair work by abusing personnel rights, such as evaluation and promotion.

        An act of a superior asking a lower-ranking employee to do personal work.

        Creating negative public opinion or habitually using insulting words or actions targeting specific employees.

  • 01 Collection and Use of Information

    • Employees shall lawfully collect and use important information from competitors or stakeholders for legitimate purposes. If you receive an offer to provide non-public information about a competitor, you must decline the offer. Even if you have legitimately obtained proprietary information, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that it is used for its intended purpose. If there are restrictions on copying, distributing or publishing the information, you must comply with them and manage them transparently to avoid the appearance of misuse.

    02 Relationship with partner company

      • Selecting fair suppliers
      • When selecting a person to provide products, services, or services (hereinafter referred to as a supplier), equal opportunities must be granted to all qualified companies, and the selection process must be conducted legally based on objective and fair screening criteria.

      • Prohibiting the purchase of goods or services from a person at a significantly overvalued price.
      • Do not abuse your dominant position.
      • Do not abuse your position of superiority to impose unreasonable burdens on your counterparties (e.g., sales pitches, sponsorships, entertainment, rebates, travel expenses, etc.).

        You must not exert pressure to terminate the transaction immediately based on your unilateral judgment and thoroughly discuss any changes to the transaction terms in advance.

        You may not personally borrow money from a counterparty or provide any guarantee, collateral, or request for reimbursement on their behalf.

      • Do not abuse partners’ technical know-hows.
      • You should respect partners’ intellectual property rights and trade secrets, and during the transaction process, you must not request technical data from our partners or force them to use their intellectual property rights without justifiable reasons. Additionally, you must not provide our partners’ intellectual properties to third parties or use them unfairly.

      • Do not pursue private interests.
      • You may not become an officer of a counterparty organization or invest in a counterparty to pursue private gain.

        You may not provide advice or services to, or receive money or any other economic benefit from, a trading partner with whom you have a business relationship.

    03 Relationships with competitors

      • Contact your competitors
      • If you need to contact a competitor, avoid discussing sensitive information such as the company's pricing policy, contract terms, costs, production plans, and product technology. Even if there was no intention to follow the agreement from the beginning, it may constitute collusion if the apparent agreement is suspected due to the sharing of important information

      • Friendly competition
      • Hansol practices fair and good faith competition at home and abroad and pursues business activities based on mutual respect with competitors. Employees shall not slander competitors or make unfounded comparisons using advertisements or other media and shall not unfairly infringe on competitors' interests by spreading malicious rumors.

    04 Prohibition of use of undisclosed important information

      • Prohibition of using inside information related to stock trading
      • Employees with material, non-public information about the Company should not buy or sell stocks or securities or communicate such information to third parties until the Company makes a formal announcement. Material inside information is not readily available to the public and may adversely affect a legitimate investor's decision to buy or hold a security

      • Restrictions on the use of internal information when investing in facilities and real estate
      • If you become aware of nonpublic information about the Company's investment in a new facility, you must not invest directly or indirectly in the real estate on which the facility is located or disclose it to others.

  • 01 Definition of Bribe

    • Bribe includes not only money, goods, and other property interests, but also all tangible and intangible benefits that provide convenience and satisfy people's desires. Specific types of bribes include the following:
    • Property interest
      money, securities, real estate, goods, accommodation tickets, membership tickets, admission tickets, discount tickets, invitation tickets, viewing tickets, real estate use rights, etc.
      hospitality and entertainment such as food, alcohol, golf, transportation, accommodation, etc.
      Economic benefit
      exemption from debt, provision of employment, grant of interest, etc.

    02 Accepting gifts and entertainment

    • You should not accept any money or gifts from stakeholders concerning your work and should politely decline them. Acceptance through family members, relatives, or acquaintances is also considered an act of the employee. You should never accept any entertainment or hospitality offered by a stakeholder in connection with your work, and you should never accept entertainment or hospitality, especially in places of luxury such as bars, golf courses, or casinos. It is also considered bribery if you profit substantially by purchasing a movable or immovable property from a business-related vendor at a lower-than-normal price.
      • Code of Conduct
      • You must not receive any money or valuables from business partners.

        It should be a typical meal if you are unavoidably entertained at an outside restaurant to facilitate your work.

      • To whom to report
      • Gifts over ₩30,000 each

        When the total for the year reaches ₩100,000 or more, all gifts will be removed.

        Items of nominal value (typically less than ₩30,000 per incident), such as one-time promotional items that are customarily distributed, are not reportable

      • How to report
      • Please complete a "Report of Graft" and report it in writing to your department head within three days of receipt.

        The department should immediately file a report with Human Resources.

    03 Offering anything of value

    • Giving anything of value to a stakeholder is generally prohibited if it could be seen as a quid pro quo bribe or favor in connection with your job. However, exceptions can be made if they are not socially acceptable and do not violate the other party's bylaws or code of ethics.
      • Code of Conduct
      • You must report to the company if you give something of value to a stakeholder that is unavoidably related to your job duties.

      • To whom to report
      • Money of ₩100,000 or more per incident

      • Reporting Procedures
      • Write a report to your department head within three days of the date you completed and provided the "Money/Gift Reporting Form."

        The department immediately files a report with Human Resources.

    04 Payoffs to public officials

    • If the other party is a public official (or their spouse) and it is job-related, you must never provide money, even if there is no consideration, except in the case of social, ceremonial, or assistance, and even if it is not job-related, you must not provide money over 1 million won once.
      • The value of money provided for social, ceremonial, and assistance purposes must not exceed the thresholds below.
      • Meals and alcohol exceeding ₩30,000 per person

        Congratulatory and/or Funeral expenses exceeding ₩50,000 per person.

        Gift cards exceeding ₩50,000 per person

      • However, souvenirs, promotional items, etc., intended to be distributed to unspecified people, or prizes offered through contests and raffles are allowed within the normal scope.

    05 Fraudulent Solicitation

    • We do not engage in any form of improper solicitation to gain business advantage or unfair advantage. Improper solicitation includes both direct solicitation and solicitation through a third party. We also do not accept improper solicitation from stakeholders to conduct business.
      • Prohibited behavior
      • Requiring a public official to act in violation of the law to obtain a license, administrative penalty reduction, etc.

        Asking you to condone misconduct

        Soliciting a relative or acquaintance for a job, promotion, etc.

        Making additional demands outside of the contract

        Inviting stakeholders to events, clubs, etc.

    06 Monetary transactions and gift-giving among employees

    • Giving gifts to each other is prohibited because a small financial burden can add up to a large burden, causing awkwardness and unfair competition.
      • Prohibit lower-level employees from giving gifts to their supervisors for various holidays.
      • No international travel, soliciting gifts from trainees, or personally giving leprosy.
      • Gifts of modest value from a higher-level employee to a lower-level employee as a form of encouragement, such as a simple birthday gift between department members, are acceptable.
  • 01 Protection and value of company confidential information

    • Confidential information refers to critical information registered in the computer system's database, copyrights, patents, other intellectual property rights, and other proprietary information accumulated by each specialized department in the company. This critical information results from the sweat equity of your coworkers' day and night research and the investment of your company's resources. Your company can lose much money if confidential information is leaked to the outside world, so it's essential to protect it. Do not publish or leak information unless the company authorizes it or has been publicly announced, and do not discuss confidential information with family or friends. It is also strictly prohibited to take unfair advantage of the Company's confidential information for personal gain.

    02 No customer information leaks

    • Personal information about customers must not be disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the customer, and customer information must never be used for anything other than legitimate business purposes.
      • Prohibited behavior
      • Without due process, acquisition, retention, use, or leakage of customer identification information, transaction history, etc.

        Stealing someone else's ID or password to access the company's computer systems.

        Leaving documents containing customer information in plain view of others for extended periods.

    03 Intellectual Property Rights

      • Prohibition of the use of illegal software
      • When using the software, you must strictly comply with the terms of the use agreement, such as prohibiting the reproduction or distribution of the program. You are also prohibited from using unauthorized copies of external products in the company.

      • Intellectual property ownership
      • The rights, entitlements, and interests in intellectual property rights developed by employees while working in their professional fields within the company belong to the company and extend to the work process and results, including concepts, inventions, computer programs, and important documents. If you leave the company, you must also return all company property, including any paperwork or electronic storage devices that contain information.

  • 01 Contributions to the Community

    • Hansol pursues sound business activities to contribute to the development of the national economy, creates employment, fulfills its tax obligations in good faith, and faithfully fulfills its responsibilities and duties as a corporate citizen who contributes to the development of local communities.

    02 Environmental Protection

    • Employees must strictly comply with laws, procedures, standards, regulations, etc., related to environmental protection and do their best to protect the environment in all activities, including product production, sales, and development.

    03 Political Activities

    • Prohibit employees from running for elected office in a political party or public office while employed. While we respect individuals' right to express themselves in the political arena, you should make it clear that you are speaking as an individual and avoid giving the impression that you are speaking on behalf of the company.
      • Prohibited behavior
      • Distributing, promoting, inciting, or posting politically charged handouts in the workplace.

        Providing a company's organization, funds, personnel, and facilities to a political party, politician, etc.

    04 Protecting shareholder interests

    • Hansol respects shareholders' legitimate requests, suggestions, and official decisions, secures a transparent management system to build mutual trust, and conducts accounting by tax laws and corporate accounting standards. We generate profits through sound management and faithfully protect shareholders' property.